Respect Life

Respect Life

Mission Statement

Our Respect Life Committee believes that each human life is inherently valuable from conception to natural death. Our mission is “To make abortion, euthanasia, and destruction of human embryos socially, ethically and legally unacceptable solutions to human problems and provide positive alternatives.” We also strive to educate people on the Right to Life issues and motivate them to action and encourage community support for legislation that fosters respect for these issues and support of pro-life candidates.

Respect Life meets on the fourth Thursday of the month at 1:30pm in the Pastoral Center, Damian A.

 As a committee we participate in various ways to help to achieve our goals, mainly through prayer and public awareness. Some recent activities include: 40 Days of Life prayer, Roe vs Wade Anniversary prayer and the annual “Baby Bottle” collection to support Pro-Life causes.

Please contact us to learn more through the Pastoral Center at 708-687-1370

Crisis Pregnancy Help? Call . . .

   Aid For Woman 312-621-1100

   The Women’s Center 773-283-1400

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